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Monday, May 26, 2014

Flipped Classroom Resources | RIT Teaching & Learning Services

 Harvard University developed the idea of "flipped classrooms" in the '90's. Now, MOOCs have bring them back as a "new way of education" . Read more in . . .

Flipped Classroom Resources | RIT Teaching & Learning Services:

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Monday, May 12, 2014

UNIVERSITIC 2013: Situación actual de las TIC en el sistema universitario español | Octeto

UNIVERSITIC 2013: Situación actual de las TIC en el sistema universitario español | Octeto:

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Mesa 3. Educación superior, ciencia y tecnología - YouTube

Mesa 3. Educación superior, ciencia y tecnología - YouTube:

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Active Learning Is Found to Foster Higher Pass Rates in STEM Courses – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Active Learning Is Found to Foster Higher Pass Rates in STEM Courses – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education:

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Report claims Turkish universities need 45,000 more academics - CİHAN

Report claims Turkish universities need 45,000 more academics - CİHAN: "According to the report, there were only 26,626 university students enrolled in distance courses at Anadolu University in 1982, but this figure jumped to 250,000 in 1990, further rising to 620,000 in 1995. While the ratio of the distance university students fell from 40 percent of the total number of university students to 24 percent in 2014, its share of the total number of students has steadily increased due to Law No. 6111 on Higher Education in 2011 which removed limitations to the number of distance university students. However, the fact that there are over 1 million students who have registered and then failed to start a course, or whose registration is frozen, are also counted in the system, indicates an immediate need for a change in this area. (Cihan/Today's Zaman)"

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Monday, May 05, 2014

F2F E-Learning Day Guatemala "La Calidad en la Formación Virtual"

"E-Learning Day Guatemala",  Universidad Galileo, Salón 401,14 de Mayo. Sitio Web":

"Este evento contará con expositores e investigadores internacionales de alto
prestigio, con el objetivo de dar a conocer lo más destacado en las nuevas
tecnologías en la educación, haciendo énfasis en la "Calidad en la Formación

 "Los asistentes [tambien]  podrán asistir a uno de los talleres
que serán impartidos por expertos en e-Learning.

Miguel Morales

Director del Área de e-Learning
Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo

Galileo Educational System)

Universidad Galileo

7ave. Calle Dr. Eduardo Suger, Zona 10

Tel: 24238000 ext. 7413"

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