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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Three Key Figures of Distance Education Together for the First Time

The three founding fathers of modern distance education, Michael G. Moore, Otto Peters and Borje Holmberg participated in the 4th workshop of the European Distance Education Network. EDEN made possible this extraordinary event that resulted in the crown jewel of the workshop on Research into Online Distance Education and E-learning: Making the Difference, held in 25-28 OCTOBER, 2006 in Barcelona-Castelldefels, Spain.

Dr. Moore, professor at the Pennsylvania State University, founder and editor of The American Journal of Distance Education, author of The Handbook of Distance Education and USDLA Hall of Fame, developed Transactional Distance Theory. He is the most cited author in the field.

Dr. Otto Peters, Emeritus professor of the German distance education institution "FernUniversitat" and awarded for his lifetime contributions to Distance Education by the International Council of Open Learning and Distance Education. Dr. Peters received four honorary doctor's degrees (Open University, England, Deakin University, Australia, University of New York, N.Y., and Open University of Hong Kong), and one of his major contributions to the field is the development of the Industrial Theory of Distance Education.

Dr. Borje Holmberg, also from FernUniversitat developed the Theory of Guided Didactic Conversation.

Exclusive interviews will be published soon in this blog. In the meantime, you can visit

Other distinguished distance educators, such as Dr. Tony Bates, Dr. Alan Tait, and Dr. Stephen Downes participated in the EDEN Workshop.

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