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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Writing Guidelines

Profesor Name: Yolanda Gayol

Student Name:_____________________________   
Reviewer Name: ___________________________

Date: _________________

Project: Rubric for writing




Ideas I used brainstorming and a concept map or outline to create and organize my ideas.
  My report is clear and focused. I stay on topic.
  I can summarize my topic in just a few sentences.
  I understand my topic and could explain it to someone else easily.
  Details in my report give the reader important information.
  My ideas relate to one another.
  I have listened to suggestions from the teacher or peer writers.
  I have cited my sources correctly and included a References page.

Conventions My paragraphs have more than one sentence.
  Each of my paragraphs has one main idea.
  I have used correct grammar.
  I have used correct punctuation.
  I have checked my spelling.
  Sylistic effects enhance the report. They do not distract the reader.
  My handwriting is legible.
  My printout contains no typographical errors.

Fluency My sentences build logically upon the one(s) before.
  My sentences are different lengths.
  My sentences start in different ways.
  The meaning of each of my sentences is clear.
  My sentences flow easily from one to another.
  There are no run-on sentences.
  There are no incomplete sentences.
  I maintain one verb tense, especially in summaries.
  I express similar ideas using parallel construction.

Organization Ideas are organized in a meaningful way.
  The sequence of ideas is logical.
  My introduction is interesting and inviting.
  My ideas flow from one to another.
  I used helpful transitions between main points, (e.g., "First of all," or "Similarly").
  I have a satisfying conclusion.

Punctuation Commas surround parenthetical expressions and appositives.
  Commas separate the items in a series.
  A comma precedes "and" or "but" when introducing an independent clause.
  A comma follows an introductory word or phrase.
  A semicolon connects two sentences.
  Closing quotation marks always follow commas or periods.
  A question mark follows closing quotation marks unless part of quoted material.
  Apostrophes are used correctly to show possession or to create contractions.
  A colon is used for emphasis or to introduce a list.
  A period, question mark, or exclamation mark ends every sentence.
  Long quotations are set off (e.g., indented on both sides, single spaced, and/or italic font) from the text that is not a quote.
  Foreign words not in common use are italicized or enclosed in quotes.
  Citations use the prescribed format including correct capitalization, punctuation, and italicization.

Word Choice My sentences begin in different ways.
  Every word seems just right.
  My words paint pictures in the reader's mind.
  I use my own words or enclose other's words in quotation marks.
  I use strong, active verbs.
  I use synonyms and different verbs to add variety.
  My pronouns match the nouns to which they refer.
  I omitted needless words from the first draft.

Source: Project Based Learning

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